Pigments are compounds that impart color when added to any material. They are used in countless industries, including fashion, art, medicine, and computer displays. Pigments are used primarily for industrial applications, including food, fabrics, plastics, cosmetics, inks, food, and paints.
This blog will discuss FD&C pigments in cosmetics to ensure quality products for sensitive skin. Every woman uses some kind of color pigments in cosmetics daily, so knowing their color additives is vital. Based on their chemical structures, organic and inorganic pigments can be classified in diversified ways.
Inorganic colorants, including iron oxides, chromium, ultramarine, etc., are used to color cosmetics. On the other hand, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide fall under white colorants mainly used in almost every cosmetic. Are you a business or individual professional wondering if FD&C pigments are used in cosmetics, you’re already in the right place.
What are FD&C colors or dyes? FD&C colorants, also known as color or color additive refer to a dye, pigment, or any substance certified and approved by the FDA that puts color to food, drug, or cosmetics. Incorporating these additives improves the visual appearance of products with more vibrant and vivid colors making them more appealing, informative, and appetizing.
The primary use of FD&C colors is to ensure that additives are widely used correctly. They further offer numerous colors with different hues and shades.
FD&C color pigments, also known as synthetic colors from coal tar or petroleum-based chemicals containing heavy metal salts or deposit toxins onto the skin that can cause skin sensitivity and irritation. Color-related deficiency of oxygen can even lead to death when the body absorbs certain colors.
Furthermore, they enhance the visual appeal of products, offsetting color loss during storage or data processing. The FD&C colors are synthetic dyes certified and permitted for use in food, drugs, or cosmetics. These color additives are used to enhance the visual appeal of products, offsetting color loss during storage or processing.
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) establishes a comprehensive framework for regulating color additives in consumer goods, including food, drugs, and cosmetics. It covers a vast array of substances, defining any that impart color as a color additive. These additives undergo rigorous premarket approval by the FDA to ensure their safety for the intended use.
However, the Act makes an exception for substances that impart color but are used for purposes other than coloring. This reflects a nuanced regulatory approach that appreciates the multifunctionality of multiple ingredients.
You can find a comprehensive range of inorganic color pigments containing blended inorganic, inorganic colorants, and Lo Micron colors produced by color cosmetic product manufacturers. Many renowned cosmetic color companies in India supply pigments for local products and export pigments to other countries.
Organic color pigments are classified as FD&C Lake Colours (Food Drug and Cosmetics Lake Colours), D&C Lake Colours (Drug and Cosmetics Lake Colours), EEC Lake Colours, and Non-D&C and FD&C Pigments based on regulatory requirements. Manufacturers in India adhere to FD&C color guidelines when producing cosmetic color solutions.
Furthermore, the European Cosmetics Market (ECM) uses EEC Lake colors to meet its pigment color requirements in cosmetic products (EEC).
The following are the different types of pigments used in cosmetics, including:
Iron oxides are available in three basic shades, including red, yellow, or black. They can be found in many cosmetic products, including eye shadow or talcum powder. Iron oxides used in cosmetics are derived from synthetic compounds and are completely safe to use.
On the other hand, natural pigments are derived naturally and don’t require testing, creating safety concerns. Iron oxides are gentle and toxic-free and are used in cosmetics. Additionally, they do not cause any allergic reactions or skin irritation.
Chromium dioxides can be found in different shades, including bright green, blue-green, and dull olive green. They are widespread for use in different cosmetic products. However, they are restricted from using them on lip products in the USA.
Additionally, chromium oxide green imparts medium green, matte, and flat colors that can be further used to adjust hues in foundations, bronzers, and blushes after achieving certifications and specifications from the FDA.
Titanium dioxide pigments are used as whiteners in skin care products and cosmetics, especially in Gujarat, India. These include core areas of applications, like eyes, nails, or lips. Titanium dioxide is best known for improving opacity and reducing the formula’s transparency more efficiently.
It is an FDA-certified color or pigment widely used in cosmetics and is 100% safe to use – without having any potential side effects. Titanium dioxide offers up to 99% and doesn’t contain mutagens, teratogens, carcinogens, triggers for contact dermatitis, toxins, or comedogens.
Additionally, it will not cause an adverse reaction until or unless when exposed beyond its safe limits at the time of manufacture.
Iron blue is wisely used to impart colors to make cosmetic and personal care products more appealing and attractive to consumers. These cosmetic products include makeup, skincare, bath, nail polish, or hair coloring.
It offers a deep intense dark blue color widely used in a wide variety of cosmetic applications. They are, however, prohibited from being used in lip products in the USA. On the contrary, they can be externally applied in Japan and the EU.
Ultramarines are the most popular FD&C pigments used in cosmetics and provide a wide range of shades of green, violet, pink, or bright blue. They are widely used as a coloring agent and are completely safe under the U.S. FDA specifications. In addition, they are restricted from using them on lipstick products in the USA.
This pigment, also called a violet colorant used in cosmetics to color different products, including nail polish, makeup, bath products, skincare, and hair coloring products. It conforms to FDA specifications and is an FDA-approved cosmetic for use on the lips and under the eyes.
Zinc oxide is a white powder used in various cosmetic products, such as makeup, baby soaps, bath soaps, nail products, baby lotions, and foot powders. They are widely used to manufacture products, including skin protectants and sunscreen.
Additionally, they are completely safe to be used on cosmetic products if don’t meet certain specifications or standards.
Powder blushers or face powders containing mica provide a natural translucency to the face. It is completely safe to use them as a colorant, including around the eyes and lips. The wavelengths of light they reflect determine which colors colorants are visible. Since inorganic pigments are 100% safe and manufactured in laboratories, cosmetics are commonly made with them.
In the bottom line, different FD&C pigments are used as a coloring agent to enhance the visual appearance of cosmetic products. Many companies rely on premium quality FD&C pigments and dyes for a variety of industrial cosmetic applications.
These FD&C pigments are completely safe to be used on cosmetic applications and do not cause any allergic reactions or skin irritation if used properly and in proper quantity